Article Il Giornale, 23 July 2010. Oriana Fallaci in 2004 devoted a few pages of a book published by Rizzoli, the strength of reason, Gianfranco Fini. The decision was drastic and somewhat prescient. The current chairman of the House, compared to Togliat I was ready to go con la sinistra. Allora nessuno ascoltò
«Signor Vicepresidente del Consiglio, Lei mi ricorda Palmiro Togliatti. Il comunista più odioso che abbia mai conosciuto, l’uomo che alla Costituente fece votare l’articolo 7 ossia quello che ribadiva il Concordato con la Chiesa Cattolica. E che pur di consegnare l’Italia all’Unione Sovietica era pronto a farci tenere i Savoia, insomma la monarchia. Non a caso quelli della Sinistra La trattano con tanto rispetto anzi con tanta deferenza, su di Lei non rovesciano mai il velenoso livore che rovesciano sul Cavaliere, contro di Lei non pronunciano mai una parola sgarbata, a Lei non rivolgono mai la benché minima accusa.
Come Togliatti è capace di tutto. As Togliatti is a cold calculator and never does anything, never says anything that has not well weighed weighted screened for your convenience. (And thank goodness if, despite all reflect, not a gill ever). Togliatti seems like a man in one piece, a type consistent, loyal to his ideas, and instead is a bright boy. A master at keeping his foot in both camps. He leads a party that calls itself the right and played tennis with the Left. It Berlusconi's deputy and another who does not dream dethrone him, sending him into retirement. He goes to Jerusalem, with the kippah on his head, crying crocodile tears at Yad Vashem, and then in the most sgomentevole fornicates with the children of Allah. He wants to give him the vote, declaring that "they deserve it because pagano le tasse e vogliono integrarsi anzi si stanno integrando”.
Quando ci sbalordì con quel colpo di scena ne cercai le ragioni. E la prima cosa che mi dissi fu: buon sangue non mente. Pensai cioè a Mussolini che nel 1937 (l’anno in cui Hitler incominciò a farsela col Gran Muftì zio di Arafat) si scopre «protettore dell’Islam» e va in Libia dove, dinanzi a una moltitudine di burnus, il kadì d’Apollonia lo riceve tuonando: “O Duce! La tua fama ha raggiunto tutto e tutti! Le tue virtù vengono cantate da vicini e lontani!”. Poi gli consegna la famosa spada dell’Islam. Una spada d’oro massiccio, con l’elsa tempestata di pietre preziose. Lui la sguaina, the tip toward the sun, and flamboyant voice exclaimed: "Italy wants to ensure the Fascist Muslim populations peace, justice, prosperity, respect the laws of the Prophet, he wants to show the world his sympathy for Islam and for Muslims. " So jumping on a white horse and followed by as many as two thousand six Arab horsemen gallop in the desert of the future Gaddafi. But I wandered
. That plot twist was not a sentimental reminiscence, a case of Mussolini. It was a case of Togliatti that cynicism, opportunism, of cold calculation to get the voters they need to compete with the Left and drive in first person now called the mistake right.
Signor Vicepresidente del Consiglio, nonostante la Sua aria quieta ed equilibrata Lei è un uomo molto pericoloso. Perché ancor più degli ex democristiani (che poi sono i soliti democristiani con un nome diverso) può usare a malo scopo il risentimento che gli italiani come me esprimono nei riguardi dell’equivoco oggi chiamato Sinistra. E perché, come quelli della Sinistra, mente sapendo di mentire. Pagano-le-tasse, i Suoi protetti islamici?!? Quanti di loro pagano le tasse?!? Clandestini a parte, spacciatori di droga a parte, prostitute e lenoni a parte, appena un terzo un po’ di tasse! Non le capiscono nemmeno, le tasse. Se gli spiega che servono ad esempio per costruire le strade e gli ospedali e le scuole che anch’essi use or to provide the subsidies they receive from the moment they enter our country, they answer that no, this is stuff to cheat them, steal them. How to integrate your wish-you-are-integrating those who think they're kidding?!?
One of the defects in your policy is the presumption of being able to make fun of people treat it as if it were blind or stupid, give drink to nonsense, to deny or ignore the realities more evident. More visible, more tangible, more visible. But this time, no, sir. This time you can not deny what they see the children. Can not ignore what every day, every time it happens in every town and every village in Europe. In Italy, France, England, Spain, Germany, Holland, Denmark, wherever they are established. Re-read what I wrote about Marseille, Granada, London, at Cologne. Look at the way they behave in Turin, Milan, Bologna, Florence, Rome.
Why, on this planet and no one defends their identity as Muslims refuse to integrate. None. Why Muhammad prohibits integration. The punishes. If you do not know, take a look at the Koran. We transcribe the suras that prohibit, punish that. Meanwhile him are a couple. This, for example: "Allah does not allow its faithful to make friends with unbelievers. Friendship produces affection, attraction spiritual. Tilt morality and way of life of the infidels, the infidels and the ideas are contrary to Sharia. Resulting in the loss of independence, hegemony, aimed to overcome. And Islam overcomes. Does not overcome. " Or this: "Do not be weak with the enemy. Do not invite him to peace. Especially when you have the upper hand. Kill the infidels wherever they are. Assediateli, fight them with any sort of trickery. "
In other words, according to the Koran should be us to belong. We accept their laws, their customs, their damn Sharia. Mr. Fini, but because leaders such as the Olive Tree does not show you? ".
New York, January 2004
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