Friday, January 15, 2010

Police Buying Guns On Their Badge

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Grit Dishwasher Bosch


articulation YOU A FEW MONTHS AGO AND 10 QUESTIONS OF Marcello Veneziani (so fashionable) A FINE AND ITS CONVERSION TO ... THANKS FOR ... Findus INNOMINATO ... ... OOPS!

Gianfranco Fini of the mystery was finally revealed. Everyone was wondering what had happened, why he had changed so radically review, but no one was able to explain why. Now the explanation came from the book "The Future of Freedom" that is a signature library Gianfranco Fini. Reading this book, we realized the truth. The former leader of the MSI and AN has an identical twin who has lived since birth frozen in a cold room full of books. He was sentenced to read and study to become an intellectual, unlike his brother talking. This twin
frozen, which we call Gianfranco Findus, has spent his life among books glacial; suo fratello il politico era condannato (…) agli orali, perché parlava nelle piazze, nei parlamenti e nelle sezioni; lui, invece, era condannato agli scritti, perché era costretto a leggere e scrivere e nient’altro. Ora è uscito finalmente allo scoperto pubblicando a firma del gemello politico il libro in questione. Nessuno degli entusiasti recensori e sviolinatori ha avuto il coraggio di dirlo, masi capisce lontano un miglio che l’opera andata in libreria non è stata scritta dal presidente della Camera ma dal fratello nella camera ibernata, l’intellettuale congelato. Lo sveliamo per tutelare la sua fama di politico e non consentire a nessuno di insultarlo come intellettuale o di sostenere che scriva libri «indipendenti dal suo pensiero», per usare una sua stessa espressione rivolta ironicamente verso il direttore di questo Giornale. Preferiamo dire la verità per evitare facili ironie sulla sua inaspettata cultura che finora era riuscito così bene a mascherare; e per prevenire insinuazioni su corsi universitari per corrispondenza o su lauree filosofiche prese al Cepu.
Nel libro del fratello surgelato e colto, autori che Fini il politico non ha mai citato, letto e conosciuto, vengono sciorinati con familiarità in un linguaggio che non è assolutamente
quello usato dal presidente della Camera, dai tempi del Fronte della gioventù a oggi. Ci sono riflessioni filosofiche e teologiche, sottili considerazioni sul nichilismo e sulla sociologia
tedesca, reading for professionals, and a hail of citations unlikely, as not even appear in the books of the highest academic encyclopedia. And for modesty or not to charge the political burden on the poor brother, Professor Findus has not published the bibliography at the end and even the index of names. The poor Bondi asked Fini why he never mentioned in his book, and Berlusconi has never referred to his past MSI, the answer is simple: because this book was written by his brother, the professor who knew neither one nor the other living in the cold room. There is not even a politician cited in the text, but only philosophers, theologians, historians, sociologists, preferably the left, if not Communist (Hobsbawm, Cassano, Schiavone, Caracciolo, Viesti, Galimberti, Ginsborg and Marx himself). Kill the diversity stands out as his brother, reportedly even veiled allusions to other works, references, quotes implied. To those who insist on attributing the responsibility of this booklet Fini intellectual pedagogical purpose, I propose a test scagionatorio. Ten Questions to address the fateful Fini derived from the book in its signature:
1) He explains the theory of growth in Joseph Stiglitz that you mentioned on p. 154?
2) We make it clear whether its reference to freedom of or freedom from, derives from Isaiah Berlin, Friedrich von Hayek by Ralf Dahrendorf (p. 151-3)?
3) What has most affected the philosophical text of the Vita Activa of Hannah Arendt, as quoted copiously (130 and passim)?
4) He thinks he can apply the concept of liquid society of Zygmunt Bauman you mentioned on p. 125, also to those of amoral familism described by Edward Banfield, you mentioned on p. 79?
5) When defining cites Alain Besançon Communism and Nazism fraternal twins (p. 47), also alludes all'eterotelia expressed by Jules Monnerot?
6) Why prefer Nietzsche to Karl Löwith (p. 59) to Nietzsche by Martin Heidegger?
7) Congratulations to the philosophical texts on racism (Gobineau, Rosenberg, Hitler), but since it cites in this regard well as the Myth of Arminius (p. 56-7)?
8) likes to quote Christopher Lasch (p. 68 and passim) and its culture of narcissism that is inspired by his chapter devoted just to Narcissus?
9) Can you explain what he meant when, after quoting Karl Popper and Federico Moccia, invites young people to take refuge "in the stratosphere of dreams" (p. 124), and from where that metaphor came fluttering on ' "Italy-butterfly that will soon have to hover in the air" (p. 104)?
10) What then are the lyrics to Peter Hahne (p. 75), by Maurice Duverger (144), Ernest Renan (131), Thomas Mann (57) and Arthur Koestler, the works of Fourier, Saint-Simon Owen (53 ) of
Roger Scruton (50), Robert Conquest (49) Ulrich Beck (20) and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (10) mentioned in his book? E Lazar, and Furet and Glucksmann, and Stuart Mill and Weber ... and I stop here not to scare the reader.
course ask you to respond directly, without using the public's help at home and his press secretary Aldo Di Lello, cultural journalist caught who knows the texts. I am sure it will not respond and this discolperà infamy of being an intellectual. Fini is a healthy carrier of his text, will recant recantation more easily than any other so far.
But Fini finished the questions I ask the Italian press that he admired the book reviewed by Professor Findus: but does not count for you the truth, authenticity, thought the author? For heaven's sake, the ghost writer we have always been popular with many of the essay on Proudhon Craxi written by Luciano Pelicans, but here we are at the impersonation, the twin Professor Fini Findus instead of the politician. To both address an invitation to see the film under a false name and read Twice Otto Rank. I hope only one thing: now that Professor Findus has been defrosted, I would not want Fini went in his place in the refrigerator. Born of fire and ice would end up in too.

Marcello Veneziani

Applying Moisturizer To Your Back


GOOD EVENING TO ALL!! Post under the label of my dear friend Bio ( not comment the decision of the UDC looking here and there a place in the sun but I wanted to comment on a statement of my dear friend Paolo Bonino on ... and in this connection, I leave you a post of my now "ex" Secretary Storace that lists the "conflict of interest" highly praised by the Left on the candidature of the prox Bonino and regional Lazio supported by a sinister fruit! course ... who is without sin cast the first stone Storace expensive but at least I have him right here ... you comment!! to proxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!! If you really

Emma Bonino, the candidate of the center to the Lazio Regional, should not be underestimated. And carefully prepared - and as rightly said Polverini without the need to descend into the arena of insults - the arguments that inform the electorate about the dangers that brings a case such as radical.
And 'Statute of the Region have to make people think. Any law or resolution passed contrary to the Constitution - unless you want to even change a Charter came into force in 2004 and in 1948 - is likely to result in a very long time for the inevitable litigation.
And then it's good that someone prepare a memo to Bonino.

Article 5 of the Regulations, one dedicated to Roma Capitale, provides that "The region contributes to enhance Rome, capital of the Republic and symbol of the unity of Italy, the center of Catholicism and the dialogue among Christians, a place of encounter between different cultures and historical heritage and cultural Universal "should be clear, in this case, the institutional context in which we are called to operate.

Article 6, knowing the political culture of Bonino, is even more difficult. He says quote, the second paragraph, that the region "recognizes the primacy of the person and life." Let us say frankly that would be incompatible with the Statute of the actions referred to abortion si è resa protagonista la leader radicale nel corso della sua battaglia politica.
Ancora, nello stesso articolo, segnaliamo il comma 10: la Regione “collabora con la Chiesa cattolica, nel rispetto delle previsioni del quadro concordatario nonché con le confessioni religiose con le quali lo Stato stipula intese, al fine di tutelare la dignità della persona e perseguire il bene della comunità, in conformità ai principi della Costituzione”. Credo che sia un principio molto chiaro, su cui non ci possono essere esitazioni, né colpi di testa.

Ci auguriamo, infine e per ora, che Emma Bonino voglia leggere con attenzione, il testo dell’articolo 7, dedicato allo sviluppo civile e sociale.
Assegna un compito importante, rilevante, fondamentale alla Regione, ovvero quello di riconoscere “i diritti della famiglia quale società naturale fondata sul matrimonio” e di sostenerla “nell’adempimento della sua funzione sociale”. Non è carta straccia, è carta costituzionale della Regione Lazio, sono valori.