Gli amici di Nello - Donato
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Sores On Edge Of Nose
Fitur 2011 one of the most important tourism fairs in World
La Fiera Internazionale del Turismo 2011, Fitur 2011, una delle fiere più importanti del turismo a livello mondiale ritorna alla fiera Ifema di Madrid, dal 19 al 23 di gennaio per celebrare il suo 30° compleanno.
Più di 12mila aziende espositrici provenienti da 170 paesi e numerose possibilità per i partecipanti per conoscere e aggiungere contatti istituzionali e professionali.
L'evento è un'ottima occasione per definire le strategie di lavoro e alleanze aziendali e dinamizzare e rinforzare le attività turistiche. L' innovazione è uno dei principali obbiettivi della domanda del mercato e in FITUR vi aspetteranno hotel, tour operators, agenzia viaggio ed esperti in gestione e sviluppo turistico International. The last edition was attended
10,966 companies in 166 countries, more than 124mila professional sector.
La Fiera Internazionale del Turismo 2011, Fitur 2011, una delle fiere più importanti del turismo a livello mondiale ritorna alla fiera Ifema di Madrid, dal 19 al 23 di gennaio per celebrare il suo 30° compleanno.
Più di 12mila aziende espositrici provenienti da 170 paesi e numerose possibilità per i partecipanti per conoscere e aggiungere contatti istituzionali e professionali.
L'evento è un'ottima occasione per definire le strategie di lavoro e alleanze aziendali e dinamizzare e rinforzare le attività turistiche. L' innovazione è uno dei principali obbiettivi della domanda del mercato e in FITUR vi aspetteranno hotel, tour operators, agenzia viaggio ed esperti in gestione e sviluppo turistico International. The last edition was attended
10,966 companies in 166 countries, more than 124mila professional sector.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
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Easyjet launches new route from Madrid to Menorca Market
The company is launching a new lowcost English is linking the English capital with Mahon, the main town of the island of Minorca .
The route will be operational from July 4 to an introductory price of € 27.99 including tax and one-way.
The company is launching a new lowcost English is linking the English capital with Mahon, the main town of the island of Minorca .
The route will be operational from July 4 to an introductory price of € 27.99 including tax and one-way.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
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beneficial in metro Francos Rodriguez
Market beneficial to Francos Rodriguez
E' presente già dal 22 novembre e come ogni anno il mercatino "Rastrillo benefico" riapre nel metro Francos Rodriguez per raccogliere fondi per i malati di neurofibromatosi. I fondi verranno destinati per la ricerca della malattia in Spagna.
Market beneficial to Francos Rodriguez
E' presente già dal 22 novembre e come ogni anno il mercatino "Rastrillo benefico" riapre nel metro Francos Rodriguez per raccogliere fondi per i malati di neurofibromatosi. I fondi verranno destinati per la ricerca della malattia in Spagna.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Big And Tallcomments
The counter
The political climate, social, ideological and economic life that characterizes the European and Italian, and in many ways obscurantist and oppressive dark, but from the torpor of the initiatives and of ideals, born, reaction to the romantic ideal, Culture and Politics.
Besides this proceeding of conflicting actions in the interior of the national government among the highest echelons of the state strongly influences the evolution of the state.
As the national problem is that on and heard by more people, politicians need to make contemporaneous to our century, there is the need to make to create a closer link between politics and citizens.
Il tribuno contrastatore alla realizzazione al connubio fra finanza, giustizia e ideali patriottici non può nascondersi dietro il compiacente paravento dell’illegalità, dove si tratta meramente di contrattazione di potere politico.
Il tribuno, durante il periodo trascorso sullo scranno della terza carica dello Stato, dimentico dei doveri derivanti dalla sua carica di Presidente della Camera dei Deputati, incapace di contrastare la sua smisurata ambizione, incominciò ad accendere i tizzoni dei carbonari nelle due camere del potere.
The growing unease of the people who now openly reject its logic of power, unable to counter "the force of things" fully implement his betrayal in an attempt to mitigate the adverse effects of its concept of doing politics.
But "the force of things" becomes disruptive when trying to deal with situations.
When he realizes that both his people, as his colonels ask for his resignation leaves the party of which he was co-founder to found a worthy of his ambitions, self-imposed exile, where the parties legitimately constituted government of refusal to receive him with full honors, forgetting that the error did the ancient Troy when he dragged the wooden horse into the walls of his city as a symbol of their victory.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
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CHRISTMAS DINNER 2010! The trial of Oriana Fallaci
I leave and I wish him VE LI DO MORE 'NEXT!! Hehehehe! TO PROXXXXXXXX!
I leave and I wish him VE LI DO MORE 'NEXT!! Hehehehe! TO PROXXXXXXXX!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
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The Council of Ministers declares the state di Allerta in Spagna
Il Consiglio dei Ministri dichiara lo stato di Allerta in Spagna dopo gli episodi che hanno riguardato il sistema di trasporti aereo bloccato ormai da quasi un giorno e che rischia di creare il caos nelle città spagnole.
Fino adesso sono rimaste a terra circa 330mila persone, il Ministro Zapatero announced that "will not submit to blackmail."
More information about the El Pais website
Il Consiglio dei Ministri dichiara lo stato di Allerta in Spagna dopo gli episodi che hanno riguardato il sistema di trasporti aereo bloccato ormai da quasi un giorno e che rischia di creare il caos nelle città spagnole.
Fino adesso sono rimaste a terra circa 330mila persone, il Ministro Zapatero announced that "will not submit to blackmail."
More information about the El Pais website
Friday, December 3, 2010
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Sciopero a sorpresa dei controllori di volo. Aeroporti spagnoli in tilt
surprise strike of air traffic controllers. English Airports haywire, total chaos due to the abandonment of the job of air traffic controllers Aena.
surprise strike of air traffic controllers. English Airports haywire, total chaos due to the abandonment of the job of air traffic controllers Aena.
Aena advises passengers to contact their respective airlines.
The Ministry of Defence has taken control of air traffic in Spain after the serious situation that occurred in English airports after the abandonment of mass Workplace by air traffic controllers. The Jefe del Estado Mayor del Aire take all decisions about the organization, planning and supervision of air space.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
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1-2-3 dicembre il senato spagnolo apre le porte a tutti
1-2-3 December, the English Senate opens its doors to all the so-called "Jornadas de Puertas abiertas".
lunch break from 10:00 to 19:00.
You can visit the library of the Senate, the salon de "Pasos Perdidos," the ancient hall of the sessions, the dining room and the Pont Broseta Manuel Manuel Jimenez Abad and many others.
To see the agenda of December in Madrid click here
1-2-3 December, the English Senate opens its doors to all the so-called "Jornadas de Puertas abiertas".
lunch break from 10:00 to 19:00.
You can visit the library of the Senate, the salon de "Pasos Perdidos," the ancient hall of the sessions, the dining room and the Pont Broseta Manuel Manuel Jimenez Abad and many others.
To see the agenda of December in Madrid click here
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The Hills Wall Letters
Article Il Giornale, 23 July 2010. Oriana Fallaci in 2004 devoted a few pages of a book published by Rizzoli, the strength of reason, Gianfranco Fini. The decision was drastic and somewhat prescient. The current chairman of the House, compared to Togliat I was ready to go con la sinistra. Allora nessuno ascoltò
«Signor Vicepresidente del Consiglio, Lei mi ricorda Palmiro Togliatti. Il comunista più odioso che abbia mai conosciuto, l’uomo che alla Costituente fece votare l’articolo 7 ossia quello che ribadiva il Concordato con la Chiesa Cattolica. E che pur di consegnare l’Italia all’Unione Sovietica era pronto a farci tenere i Savoia, insomma la monarchia. Non a caso quelli della Sinistra La trattano con tanto rispetto anzi con tanta deferenza, su di Lei non rovesciano mai il velenoso livore che rovesciano sul Cavaliere, contro di Lei non pronunciano mai una parola sgarbata, a Lei non rivolgono mai la benché minima accusa.
Come Togliatti è capace di tutto. As Togliatti is a cold calculator and never does anything, never says anything that has not well weighed weighted screened for your convenience. (And thank goodness if, despite all reflect, not a gill ever). Togliatti seems like a man in one piece, a type consistent, loyal to his ideas, and instead is a bright boy. A master at keeping his foot in both camps. He leads a party that calls itself the right and played tennis with the Left. It Berlusconi's deputy and another who does not dream dethrone him, sending him into retirement. He goes to Jerusalem, with the kippah on his head, crying crocodile tears at Yad Vashem, and then in the most sgomentevole fornicates with the children of Allah. He wants to give him the vote, declaring that "they deserve it because pagano le tasse e vogliono integrarsi anzi si stanno integrando”.
Quando ci sbalordì con quel colpo di scena ne cercai le ragioni. E la prima cosa che mi dissi fu: buon sangue non mente. Pensai cioè a Mussolini che nel 1937 (l’anno in cui Hitler incominciò a farsela col Gran Muftì zio di Arafat) si scopre «protettore dell’Islam» e va in Libia dove, dinanzi a una moltitudine di burnus, il kadì d’Apollonia lo riceve tuonando: “O Duce! La tua fama ha raggiunto tutto e tutti! Le tue virtù vengono cantate da vicini e lontani!”. Poi gli consegna la famosa spada dell’Islam. Una spada d’oro massiccio, con l’elsa tempestata di pietre preziose. Lui la sguaina, the tip toward the sun, and flamboyant voice exclaimed: "Italy wants to ensure the Fascist Muslim populations peace, justice, prosperity, respect the laws of the Prophet, he wants to show the world his sympathy for Islam and for Muslims. " So jumping on a white horse and followed by as many as two thousand six Arab horsemen gallop in the desert of the future Gaddafi. But I wandered
. That plot twist was not a sentimental reminiscence, a case of Mussolini. It was a case of Togliatti that cynicism, opportunism, of cold calculation to get the voters they need to compete with the Left and drive in first person now called the mistake right.
Signor Vicepresidente del Consiglio, nonostante la Sua aria quieta ed equilibrata Lei è un uomo molto pericoloso. Perché ancor più degli ex democristiani (che poi sono i soliti democristiani con un nome diverso) può usare a malo scopo il risentimento che gli italiani come me esprimono nei riguardi dell’equivoco oggi chiamato Sinistra. E perché, come quelli della Sinistra, mente sapendo di mentire. Pagano-le-tasse, i Suoi protetti islamici?!? Quanti di loro pagano le tasse?!? Clandestini a parte, spacciatori di droga a parte, prostitute e lenoni a parte, appena un terzo un po’ di tasse! Non le capiscono nemmeno, le tasse. Se gli spiega che servono ad esempio per costruire le strade e gli ospedali e le scuole che anch’essi use or to provide the subsidies they receive from the moment they enter our country, they answer that no, this is stuff to cheat them, steal them. How to integrate your wish-you-are-integrating those who think they're kidding?!?
One of the defects in your policy is the presumption of being able to make fun of people treat it as if it were blind or stupid, give drink to nonsense, to deny or ignore the realities more evident. More visible, more tangible, more visible. But this time, no, sir. This time you can not deny what they see the children. Can not ignore what every day, every time it happens in every town and every village in Europe. In Italy, France, England, Spain, Germany, Holland, Denmark, wherever they are established. Re-read what I wrote about Marseille, Granada, London, at Cologne. Look at the way they behave in Turin, Milan, Bologna, Florence, Rome.
Why, on this planet and no one defends their identity as Muslims refuse to integrate. None. Why Muhammad prohibits integration. The punishes. If you do not know, take a look at the Koran. We transcribe the suras that prohibit, punish that. Meanwhile him are a couple. This, for example: "Allah does not allow its faithful to make friends with unbelievers. Friendship produces affection, attraction spiritual. Tilt morality and way of life of the infidels, the infidels and the ideas are contrary to Sharia. Resulting in the loss of independence, hegemony, aimed to overcome. And Islam overcomes. Does not overcome. " Or this: "Do not be weak with the enemy. Do not invite him to peace. Especially when you have the upper hand. Kill the infidels wherever they are. Assediateli, fight them with any sort of trickery. "
In other words, according to the Koran should be us to belong. We accept their laws, their customs, their damn Sharia. Mr. Fini, but because leaders such as the Olive Tree does not show you? ".
New York, January 2004
Article Il Giornale, 23 July 2010. Oriana Fallaci in 2004 devoted a few pages of a book published by Rizzoli, the strength of reason, Gianfranco Fini. The decision was drastic and somewhat prescient. The current chairman of the House, compared to Togliat I was ready to go con la sinistra. Allora nessuno ascoltò
«Signor Vicepresidente del Consiglio, Lei mi ricorda Palmiro Togliatti. Il comunista più odioso che abbia mai conosciuto, l’uomo che alla Costituente fece votare l’articolo 7 ossia quello che ribadiva il Concordato con la Chiesa Cattolica. E che pur di consegnare l’Italia all’Unione Sovietica era pronto a farci tenere i Savoia, insomma la monarchia. Non a caso quelli della Sinistra La trattano con tanto rispetto anzi con tanta deferenza, su di Lei non rovesciano mai il velenoso livore che rovesciano sul Cavaliere, contro di Lei non pronunciano mai una parola sgarbata, a Lei non rivolgono mai la benché minima accusa.
Come Togliatti è capace di tutto. As Togliatti is a cold calculator and never does anything, never says anything that has not well weighed weighted screened for your convenience. (And thank goodness if, despite all reflect, not a gill ever). Togliatti seems like a man in one piece, a type consistent, loyal to his ideas, and instead is a bright boy. A master at keeping his foot in both camps. He leads a party that calls itself the right and played tennis with the Left. It Berlusconi's deputy and another who does not dream dethrone him, sending him into retirement. He goes to Jerusalem, with the kippah on his head, crying crocodile tears at Yad Vashem, and then in the most sgomentevole fornicates with the children of Allah. He wants to give him the vote, declaring that "they deserve it because pagano le tasse e vogliono integrarsi anzi si stanno integrando”.
Quando ci sbalordì con quel colpo di scena ne cercai le ragioni. E la prima cosa che mi dissi fu: buon sangue non mente. Pensai cioè a Mussolini che nel 1937 (l’anno in cui Hitler incominciò a farsela col Gran Muftì zio di Arafat) si scopre «protettore dell’Islam» e va in Libia dove, dinanzi a una moltitudine di burnus, il kadì d’Apollonia lo riceve tuonando: “O Duce! La tua fama ha raggiunto tutto e tutti! Le tue virtù vengono cantate da vicini e lontani!”. Poi gli consegna la famosa spada dell’Islam. Una spada d’oro massiccio, con l’elsa tempestata di pietre preziose. Lui la sguaina, the tip toward the sun, and flamboyant voice exclaimed: "Italy wants to ensure the Fascist Muslim populations peace, justice, prosperity, respect the laws of the Prophet, he wants to show the world his sympathy for Islam and for Muslims. " So jumping on a white horse and followed by as many as two thousand six Arab horsemen gallop in the desert of the future Gaddafi. But I wandered
. That plot twist was not a sentimental reminiscence, a case of Mussolini. It was a case of Togliatti that cynicism, opportunism, of cold calculation to get the voters they need to compete with the Left and drive in first person now called the mistake right.
Signor Vicepresidente del Consiglio, nonostante la Sua aria quieta ed equilibrata Lei è un uomo molto pericoloso. Perché ancor più degli ex democristiani (che poi sono i soliti democristiani con un nome diverso) può usare a malo scopo il risentimento che gli italiani come me esprimono nei riguardi dell’equivoco oggi chiamato Sinistra. E perché, come quelli della Sinistra, mente sapendo di mentire. Pagano-le-tasse, i Suoi protetti islamici?!? Quanti di loro pagano le tasse?!? Clandestini a parte, spacciatori di droga a parte, prostitute e lenoni a parte, appena un terzo un po’ di tasse! Non le capiscono nemmeno, le tasse. Se gli spiega che servono ad esempio per costruire le strade e gli ospedali e le scuole che anch’essi use or to provide the subsidies they receive from the moment they enter our country, they answer that no, this is stuff to cheat them, steal them. How to integrate your wish-you-are-integrating those who think they're kidding?!?
One of the defects in your policy is the presumption of being able to make fun of people treat it as if it were blind or stupid, give drink to nonsense, to deny or ignore the realities more evident. More visible, more tangible, more visible. But this time, no, sir. This time you can not deny what they see the children. Can not ignore what every day, every time it happens in every town and every village in Europe. In Italy, France, England, Spain, Germany, Holland, Denmark, wherever they are established. Re-read what I wrote about Marseille, Granada, London, at Cologne. Look at the way they behave in Turin, Milan, Bologna, Florence, Rome.
Why, on this planet and no one defends their identity as Muslims refuse to integrate. None. Why Muhammad prohibits integration. The punishes. If you do not know, take a look at the Koran. We transcribe the suras that prohibit, punish that. Meanwhile him are a couple. This, for example: "Allah does not allow its faithful to make friends with unbelievers. Friendship produces affection, attraction spiritual. Tilt morality and way of life of the infidels, the infidels and the ideas are contrary to Sharia. Resulting in the loss of independence, hegemony, aimed to overcome. And Islam overcomes. Does not overcome. " Or this: "Do not be weak with the enemy. Do not invite him to peace. Especially when you have the upper hand. Kill the infidels wherever they are. Assediateli, fight them with any sort of trickery. "
In other words, according to the Koran should be us to belong. We accept their laws, their customs, their damn Sharia. Mr. Fini, but because leaders such as the Olive Tree does not show you? ".
New York, January 2004
Friday, November 5, 2010
<3 What Does It Mean ?
Fini ... DO NOT FORGET ...
PLAYERS GOOD EVENING FRIENDS! LETTERS will leave you a dear friend sent me, and I am pleased to share with you and with your COMMENTI.UN GREETINGS TO YOU AND TO EMBRACE A CARO FRATERNAL MY FRIEND!
time gives poetry to the theaters of battle, the echo goes away most of
battles and the din of battle. In a few days we will celebrate the 92 anniversary of victory
of the Kingdom of Italy against the Austro-Hungarian Empire
in that majestic struggle to remember the history books as the "Great War
" Europe and worldwide. I state with genuine Intellectual honesty:
is very difficult if not impossible, for three or four generations after
still hear that echo far, those mountain songs, the string around
to a piece of land that, since we came into this world We have considered ease with
Italy. However, it is only right and proper that
even in this cold and gray November of 2010, that is heated by
patriotism and the declaration of love for the nation
as well as for its most loyal bishops: the armed forces ) which is the best antibiotic
relativistic influence and the crisis of memory and the values \u200b\u200bthat
today are proving more lethal pandemic influenza
called the "English". "Do not let the past tell you who you are, but let
is part of what will become" read a slogan a few years ago.
of course, this is not the time
of sinister rhetoric, charges of anachronistic nationalism
(in a multiracial society and increasingly globalizing). No,
the memory of the November 4 we must live with the genuine warmth with which
offers hospitality in our home to a relative who
seemed lost, an old uncle from America is that on rare occasions to bring us visit
and who needs more than holes Fanfan, doppipetti formalities and only one thing:
of our embrace and our smile, the best business card
for those who still consider a relative, a close friend, someone worthy of
our trust, respect and our moral support. This is the spirit
of 4 November: to be spent with an old friend, sitting on the edge of a wooden palette
, chatting with the gracefulness of children
accompanied by mulled wine and good bread. It is a feeling
call for holy name of the deeds higher costs for the Bel Paese. Recalling
who we are, what is our origin, comunitaria ed individuale, riusciremo ad
orientare i nostri passi nell'incertezza del futuro ed a reggerci nella
odierna dove lo sport privilegiato è falciare tutto quello che odora di
ricordi, tradizioni e storia dei popoli. Quanti monumenti alla memoria,
statue, strade, vie, passano oramai completamente inosservati o dismessi per
fare strada a vetrine luccicanti e centri commerciali mentre si sbiadisce
ricordo di chi, ai posteri, ha sacrificato la propria esistenza per un
per la Patria, per un senso civico di dignità e libertà. Il nostro compito,
dunque, è essere severi custodi di quei resti, dei cimeli dei nostri
grandparents who never
not moldy, because the fight for a dream, a value or ideal
never dies. Seicentocinquantamila were the Italians, mostly young
, who fell in battle carrying the flag and singing the songs of the Alpine
. Also, for once, you should put to rest the
grim political squabbles and put our thoughts to the shrines and Asiago
Redipuglia, the city of Galle (gold medal for military valor),
charnel house of Monte Grappa , the terrible fortress of Spielberg, where he was imprisoned
Pellico, the Trentino and irredentism to those who died in
frost of the mountains or worse yet it was abandoned in the basement of
duty, therefore, to look in the mirror one day and return to
take that confidence with our stories, our roots and the legacy of our Fathers
After losing the Catholic feast of All Saints, bartered for the rite of Anglophone and
Celtic Halloween, I do not want to miss the Italian
civic celebration of the Nov. 4: I would never find myself at the table July 4
to eat turkey singing " The Star Spangled Banner "!
W la Patria! W
November 4th!
Paul Cecco
PLAYERS GOOD EVENING FRIENDS! LETTERS will leave you a dear friend sent me, and I am pleased to share with you and with your COMMENTI.UN GREETINGS TO YOU AND TO EMBRACE A CARO FRATERNAL MY FRIEND!
time gives poetry to the theaters of battle, the echo goes away most of
battles and the din of battle. In a few days we will celebrate the 92 anniversary of victory
of the Kingdom of Italy against the Austro-Hungarian Empire
in that majestic struggle to remember the history books as the "Great War
" Europe and worldwide. I state with genuine Intellectual honesty:
is very difficult if not impossible, for three or four generations after
still hear that echo far, those mountain songs, the string around
to a piece of land that, since we came into this world We have considered ease with
Italy. However, it is only right and proper that
even in this cold and gray November of 2010, that is heated by
patriotism and the declaration of love for the nation
as well as for its most loyal bishops: the armed forces ) which is the best antibiotic
relativistic influence and the crisis of memory and the values \u200b\u200bthat
today are proving more lethal pandemic influenza
called the "English". "Do not let the past tell you who you are, but let
is part of what will become" read a slogan a few years ago.
of course, this is not the time
of sinister rhetoric, charges of anachronistic nationalism
(in a multiracial society and increasingly globalizing). No,
the memory of the November 4 we must live with the genuine warmth with which
offers hospitality in our home to a relative who
seemed lost, an old uncle from America is that on rare occasions to bring us visit
and who needs more than holes Fanfan, doppipetti formalities and only one thing:
of our embrace and our smile, the best business card
for those who still consider a relative, a close friend, someone worthy of
our trust, respect and our moral support. This is the spirit
of 4 November: to be spent with an old friend, sitting on the edge of a wooden palette
, chatting with the gracefulness of children
accompanied by mulled wine and good bread. It is a feeling
call for holy name of the deeds higher costs for the Bel Paese. Recalling
who we are, what is our origin, comunitaria ed individuale, riusciremo ad
orientare i nostri passi nell'incertezza del futuro ed a reggerci nella
odierna dove lo sport privilegiato è falciare tutto quello che odora di
ricordi, tradizioni e storia dei popoli. Quanti monumenti alla memoria,
statue, strade, vie, passano oramai completamente inosservati o dismessi per
fare strada a vetrine luccicanti e centri commerciali mentre si sbiadisce
ricordo di chi, ai posteri, ha sacrificato la propria esistenza per un
per la Patria, per un senso civico di dignità e libertà. Il nostro compito,
dunque, è essere severi custodi di quei resti, dei cimeli dei nostri
grandparents who never
not moldy, because the fight for a dream, a value or ideal
never dies. Seicentocinquantamila were the Italians, mostly young
, who fell in battle carrying the flag and singing the songs of the Alpine
. Also, for once, you should put to rest the
grim political squabbles and put our thoughts to the shrines and Asiago
Redipuglia, the city of Galle (gold medal for military valor),
charnel house of Monte Grappa , the terrible fortress of Spielberg, where he was imprisoned
Pellico, the Trentino and irredentism to those who died in
frost of the mountains or worse yet it was abandoned in the basement of
duty, therefore, to look in the mirror one day and return to
take that confidence with our stories, our roots and the legacy of our Fathers
After losing the Catholic feast of All Saints, bartered for the rite of Anglophone and
Celtic Halloween, I do not want to miss the Italian
civic celebration of the Nov. 4: I would never find myself at the table July 4
to eat turkey singing " The Star Spangled Banner "!
W la Patria! W
November 4th!
Paul Cecco
Thursday, November 4, 2010
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The Great War as seen from Gioacchino Volpe
Marcello Veneziani.
The Great War, the mutilated victory, the useless massacre. Here it is, the First World War, the fulfillment of our bloody Risorgimento, the apotheosis of our drive to become catastrophic, with conscription, as well as popular national unity. Gioacchino Volpe (1876-1971) was the leading historian of Italy on their way from the Middle Ages to modernity, from the Risorgimento to the First World War and then to fascism. Italy in the war and told the people in arms, also wrote a history of Italian for children. But Fox did not tell only one story, lived by himself, was awarded the Silver Medal and participates as an officer in plain clothes and military historian, he was now an academic in his forties. What we present in this page, little bit of his vast correspondence, is the Fox reporter, a witness and participant of the same story that he wrote as a historian and academic. As happened to Herodotus, he was old in the field.
There is a correspondence full of letters to his family from the front office or the mobilization of historiography that show the familiar look with which Fox points out what I then describe the public plan. Letters to hold, sometimes curious, written with a warm humanity that distinguished writing Volpe. Letters and cards he gave me his great-grandson Amadeus, directed by Joachim and his wife Elisa Serpieri, often referred to as "dear child", or his son, Nanni, who later became the publisher John Fox, then little more than child. Handwritten letters are sometimes copied by hand or typed on the back of female Volpiana articles. Letters of an Italian who loves his country even when he is home, he speaks in his native Paganica and tells his children the front and the trenches. Feel they belong to a people, to share the fate and sacrifices, steeped in history and destiny of his country. A simple love of country, without fanaticism.
As was his adherence to fascism and his loyalty to the monarchy, escaping the CSR schemes for him passano, l’Italia resta. E la sua passione di storico, temprata nello stile dal suo tirocinio nel giornalismo grazie ai suoi zii Edoardo Scarfoglio e Matilde Serao, a partire dal ruolo di correttore di bozze al Mattino di Napoli. Poi la cattedra, il sodalizio con Gentile, la sua critica al razzismo, la sua difesa di Ernesto Bonaiuti e dei fratelli Rosselli, i giudizi diffidenti di Mussolini su di lui, e dopo la guerra la sua epurazione dall’università, il suo dignitoso riserbo e la sua coerenza. Da storico capiva che non bisogna lasciarsi assorbire nel presente, ma lasciar decantare i fatti.
Avevo consultato i suoi carteggi inediti grazie ai suoi figli, Giovanni e Vittorio, e a sua nuora Elza. Pubblicai anni fa alcune sue missive, tra which conflict with legal correspondence and Marinetti, inevitably, one is occupied by the historical past and the other is excited by the poet, for the future. Fox conceived his mission as a historian in the middle between the art and science, for history, with Labriola said, is the science of process and art of storytelling. Fox was the historian of the nation, but loved the Risorgimento Cross reminded that Italy was born long before his unit. On the eve of 150 years, deserves to be remembered as the main guide to our national past. Italy, which was - title of his book published in 1961 for the centenary of the unification of Italy - can not forget his Virgil.
PLAYERS GOOD EVENING FRIENDS! VI DELIVERY OF AN INTERESTING ARTICLE ON THE VENETIAN "November 4" mistreated by politicians and right-thinking And too often overshadowed by its "REMOTE" ... must not blind us to that distant THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE GREAT WAR THAT CHANGE 'The fate of the world ... ITALIAN PARLIAMENT AND ALSO FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE FAR feel ignorant I leave you two anecdotes that HAPPEN IN OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES: A
Ypres, a small Belgian town that Flemish Ieper people call every night, it still plays a touching ceremony, "Since 1928 we repeated the same ritual that has been suspended only during the Nazi occupation - Cervone testifies -. Every evening at eight o'clock, under the vaults of the Menin Gate, the imposing shrine of 55 000 without a tomb, is the scene in tribute to the fallen of World War sound, and echoes the sound of Scottish bagpipes and three trumpeters who perform 'The Last Post', the reason they closed the day in the camps of the British. "
Verschoot Anton, born in Ypres in 1924, plays his trumpet every night in front of the memorial. Every night is there. Two other trumpeters rotate but he is always present, except for absences due to some ailment or because they toured with the band where the fire came at the request of her father. The notes echo through the walls dripping Names British, Irish, Americans, Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans, all boys swept away by German fire in one of the most vicious battles of the First World War, where for the first time the Germans used the deadly chemical gas, called "mustard gas". We will all
Marcello Veneziani.
The Great War, the mutilated victory, the useless massacre. Here it is, the First World War, the fulfillment of our bloody Risorgimento, the apotheosis of our drive to become catastrophic, with conscription, as well as popular national unity. Gioacchino Volpe (1876-1971) was the leading historian of Italy on their way from the Middle Ages to modernity, from the Risorgimento to the First World War and then to fascism. Italy in the war and told the people in arms, also wrote a history of Italian for children. But Fox did not tell only one story, lived by himself, was awarded the Silver Medal and participates as an officer in plain clothes and military historian, he was now an academic in his forties. What we present in this page, little bit of his vast correspondence, is the Fox reporter, a witness and participant of the same story that he wrote as a historian and academic. As happened to Herodotus, he was old in the field.
There is a correspondence full of letters to his family from the front office or the mobilization of historiography that show the familiar look with which Fox points out what I then describe the public plan. Letters to hold, sometimes curious, written with a warm humanity that distinguished writing Volpe. Letters and cards he gave me his great-grandson Amadeus, directed by Joachim and his wife Elisa Serpieri, often referred to as "dear child", or his son, Nanni, who later became the publisher John Fox, then little more than child. Handwritten letters are sometimes copied by hand or typed on the back of female Volpiana articles. Letters of an Italian who loves his country even when he is home, he speaks in his native Paganica and tells his children the front and the trenches. Feel they belong to a people, to share the fate and sacrifices, steeped in history and destiny of his country. A simple love of country, without fanaticism.
As was his adherence to fascism and his loyalty to the monarchy, escaping the CSR schemes for him passano, l’Italia resta. E la sua passione di storico, temprata nello stile dal suo tirocinio nel giornalismo grazie ai suoi zii Edoardo Scarfoglio e Matilde Serao, a partire dal ruolo di correttore di bozze al Mattino di Napoli. Poi la cattedra, il sodalizio con Gentile, la sua critica al razzismo, la sua difesa di Ernesto Bonaiuti e dei fratelli Rosselli, i giudizi diffidenti di Mussolini su di lui, e dopo la guerra la sua epurazione dall’università, il suo dignitoso riserbo e la sua coerenza. Da storico capiva che non bisogna lasciarsi assorbire nel presente, ma lasciar decantare i fatti.
Avevo consultato i suoi carteggi inediti grazie ai suoi figli, Giovanni e Vittorio, e a sua nuora Elza. Pubblicai anni fa alcune sue missive, tra which conflict with legal correspondence and Marinetti, inevitably, one is occupied by the historical past and the other is excited by the poet, for the future. Fox conceived his mission as a historian in the middle between the art and science, for history, with Labriola said, is the science of process and art of storytelling. Fox was the historian of the nation, but loved the Risorgimento Cross reminded that Italy was born long before his unit. On the eve of 150 years, deserves to be remembered as the main guide to our national past. Italy, which was - title of his book published in 1961 for the centenary of the unification of Italy - can not forget his Virgil.
PLAYERS GOOD EVENING FRIENDS! VI DELIVERY OF AN INTERESTING ARTICLE ON THE VENETIAN "November 4" mistreated by politicians and right-thinking And too often overshadowed by its "REMOTE" ... must not blind us to that distant THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE GREAT WAR THAT CHANGE 'The fate of the world ... ITALIAN PARLIAMENT AND ALSO FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE FAR feel ignorant I leave you two anecdotes that HAPPEN IN OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES: A
Ypres, a small Belgian town that Flemish Ieper people call every night, it still plays a touching ceremony, "Since 1928 we repeated the same ritual that has been suspended only during the Nazi occupation - Cervone testifies -. Every evening at eight o'clock, under the vaults of the Menin Gate, the imposing shrine of 55 000 without a tomb, is the scene in tribute to the fallen of World War sound, and echoes the sound of Scottish bagpipes and three trumpeters who perform 'The Last Post', the reason they closed the day in the camps of the British. "
Verschoot Anton, born in Ypres in 1924, plays his trumpet every night in front of the memorial. Every night is there. Two other trumpeters rotate but he is always present, except for absences due to some ailment or because they toured with the band where the fire came at the request of her father. The notes echo through the walls dripping Names British, Irish, Americans, Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans, all boys swept away by German fire in one of the most vicious battles of the First World War, where for the first time the Germans used the deadly chemical gas, called "mustard gas". We will all
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
How To Turn Into A Mermaid With A Potion
Nello e il beccio
Here we have reached levels worthy of our hero.
who you think will win the day between the two? Find Words To Say Babys Arrival
Nello e il corno
As promised some time ago here in one of his performances with his inseparable horn.
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